Questions and Answers from the Madani Muzakarah
Delivering the adhan without wudu
Question: Is it necessary to be in a state of wudu when delivering the adhan?
Answer: It is written in Bahar e Shariat, “It is disliked (makrūh) to recite the adhan without wudu, but the adhan itself is valid.”[1] Meaning, to do so is makrūh tanzīhī and disliked. Therefore, whenever calling the adhan, it is better to be in a state of wudu. Likewise, the adhan recited into a new-born’s ear should also be uttered in a state of wudu.[2]
How is it to say “Allah is Malik” to the one inviting to do good?
Question: When we invite people to offer salah or invite them to do good, some people say, “Allah is Malik”. Is it okay for them to respond this way?
Answer: At times, people say such statements to get out of the situation they are in. Nonetheless, “Allah is Malik” is a true statement. However, Allah Almighty knows best what the speaker’s intention was for saying this. There are multiple meanings of the statement, “Allah Almighty will forgive you if you offer salah or do not offer it; Allah is Malik.” A ruling cannot be given about the one who uttered this statement until their statement is clarified. In any case, people who say this to avoid offering salah should refrain from doing so, because nobody is excused from salah.[3]
Veiling from the husband’s nephews
Question: Is it necessary for a woman to veil from her husband’s nephews?
Answer: If the husband’s nephews have reached puberty, it is necessary to veil from them. It is not necessary to veil from children, regardless of whose children they are. However, nowadays people even call young adults ‘children’, which is incorrect.[4]
Trapping glow-worms
Question: Some children trap glow-worms when playing. Is this cruelty?
Answer: When glow-worms are trapped in a container by children when playing, they are not fed, which resulting in them dying. Trapping glow-worms like this is cruelty. During my childhood, I used to see children tie a thread around locusts and make them fly. This would cause the locusts to writhe, which the children enjoyed seeing. Some older children would tie string around the locusts’ legs and sell them. This would cause them to break. Even now some children try to capture butterflies even though they are very delicate creatures. They should not do so. During the mango season, large green flies appear that are different from ordinary flies. Some children poke small holes in their wings, leaving them crippled and unable to fly. Similarly, some children kill harmless winged insects and ants, and some even toss kittens from their tails. All these acts are forms of cruelty. Children must be taught to refrain from being cruel to animals and be merciful instead.[5]
Naming a House “Dar-ul-Salaam”
Question: Can a house be called “Dar-ul-Salaam”?
Answer: There is no harm in naming a house “Dar-ul-Salaam”, which means “house of peace” There is a country in Africa called Tanzania, and it has a famous city called “Dar es Salaam”. Likewise, the city of Toba Tek Singh in Pakistan is called “Dar ul Salaam”.[6]
Making tea in the office
Question: Can someone who works in an office making tea also make tea for himself?
Answer: If he is employed to make tea for the boss and guests, he must seek permission before making tea for himself. If the boss permits him to make tea for himself, he can do so.[7]
Peacock meat
Question: Is it permissible to eat peacock meat? Also, have you ever eaten it?
Answer: Yes, peacock is a halal bird; its meat can be eaten.[8] اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه I have also eaten peacock meat.[9]
Acid reflux during salah
Question: If bitter tasting acid comes up to the mouth during salah, what should be done?
Answer: Acid reflux can cause acidic belching and acid to come into the mouth. If it rises to the mouth during salah, there is no harm in swallowing it again.[10]
Listening to the noble Quran or naats whilst driving
Question: Can we listen to pre-recorded recitation of the holy Quran or naats whilst driving? Is there reward in this?
Answer: Yes, you can listen to them whilst driving, and you will gain reward اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه. (Be mindful of observing traffic laws).[11]
If ants appear whilst cleaning the masjid
Question: What should be done if ants appear whilst cleaning?
Answer: If ants appear whilst cleaning in the masjid or at home, you must be careful not to harm them. If the ants are on the masjid mats, shake the mats so they move. Clean a different place in the meantime. Some people are careless in this regard and end up harming and killing the ants. Ants have their own order. They walk in a line, and if the line breaks, they form a new one. A colony of ants has a queen, and ants will break their ranks if their queen dies.[12]
[1] Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, p. 466
[2] Madani Muzakarah, 1 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[3] Madani Muzakarah, 3 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[4] Madani Muzakarah, 8 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[5] Madani Muzakarah, 8 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[6] Madani Muzakarah, 2 Safar 1442 AH
[7] Madani Muzakarah, 8 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[8] Fatāwā ꜤĀlamghīrī, vol. 5, p. 290
[9] Madani Muzakarah, 30 Safar 1442 AH
[10] Madani Muzakarah, 9 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[11] Madani Muzakarah, 1 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH
[12] Madani Muzakarah, 9 Rabi Awwal 1442 AH