Questions and Answers from
Madani Muzakarah
1. What if a pet dies due to lack of care?
Question: What is the expiation for the death of a pet due to neglect?
Answer: The one who failed to look after the pet is sinful because of his oppression upon the animal. So, he must repent sincerely in the court of Allah Almighty. There is no expiation for this.[1]
2. Laughing during prayer
Question: If one is unable to control his laughter during prayer because of a thought or something occurring around him, can one terminate the prayer?
Answer: He is not permitted to break the prayer and he must control his laughter. If an adult in a wakeful state laughs during a prayer consisting of bowing and prostrating and others can hear it, his prayer and ablution are void.[2] [3]
3. Female Muftis of Islam
Question: Can Islamic sisters become muftiyahs? Are there any female muftis in Islam?
Answer: Yes, they can become muftiyahs and the mother of the believers, Sayyidah ꜤĀˈishah رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهَا was one of the most prominent muftiyahs of Islam. Islamic sisters should strive to become muftiyahs, even if they fall short, they will benefit from the knowledge they acquire. Fiqh specialisation courses (i.e., Muftiyah courses) are held in Jamia tul Madinah for girls.[4]
4. Were people from previous nations questioned in their graves?
Question: Were people from previous nations questioned in the grave? If so, what were they asked?
Answer: There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars regarding this. It is written in Fatāwā Faqīh-e -Millat volume 1 page 280:
There is a difference of opinion regarding questioning in the grave for the previous nations. ꜤAllāmah Ibn ꜤĀbidīn رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه writes in Radd al-Muḥtār, volume 1 page 572:
اَنَّ الرَّاجِحَ اَيْضًا اِخْتِصَاصُ السُّؤَالِ بِهَذِهِ الْاُمَّةِ
The strongest opinion is that questioning in the grave is a specialty of this nation [i.e., ummah of the beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم].
According to some scholars, the previous nations were questioned about the oneness of Allah Almighty in the grave.[5]
5. How is it to grow a plant on a grave?
Question: Is it permissible to grow a plant on a grave?
Answer: Small plants can be planted, but the grave must not be broken for this. Planting them with good intentions will lead to reward, اٍنْ شآء الـلّٰـهُ. Make the intention of planting to grant solace to the deceased because plants praise Allah Almighty and this reduces punishment in the grave and comforts the deceased.[6]
6. Placing bowls on the graves of the deceased
Question: Some people place bowls on the graves of their deceased family members. They fill the bowls with water for birds to drink and convey the reward of this to the deceased. Is this correct, and will the reward reach the deceased?
Answer: The beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said, “There is reward in every living thing.”[7] Therefore, giving water to birds or feeding them seeds are rewardable actions, but the bowl should be placed away from the grave, rather than upon it. The bowl should be refilled when needed, and the reward of this will be conveyed to the deceased if that intention has been made.[8]
7. Will a traveller shorten his prayer behind a resident Imam?
Question: A traveller prays behind a resident Imam, but misses two units of the Ẓuhr prayer. Will the traveller shorten the prayer or perform all four units?
Answer: If a traveller prays behind an Imam who is performing all four units, the traveller must perform four units too. If he misses two units, he must make them up.[9]
8. Wiping the mouth with sleeves
Question: How is it to wipe the mouth with sleeves after performing ablution?
Answer: It is not appropriate to wipe the water from ablution with the clothes you are wearing, or to generally wipe your hands or mouth with them. This causes the memory to weaken,[10] but it is not a sin.[11]
[1] Madani Muzakarah, 20th RabīꜤ al-ꜤĀkhir, 1445 AH
[2] If one laughs, such that he hears himself, but those nearby do not, his prayer will be nullified, however his ablution will not. If he smiles, such that the teeth become visible, but no sound is emitted, neither the prayer is nullified nor ablution. (Bahār-e-SharīꜤat, vol. 1 pp.308-309)
[3] Madani Muzakarah, 30th Jumādā al-ꜤĀkhirah, 1444 AH
[4] Madani Muzakarah, 13th Rajab, 1444 AH
[5] Madani Muzakarah, 13th Rajab, 1444 AH
[6] Madani Muzakarah, 13th Rajab, 1444 AH
[7] Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, vol. 4 p. 103, Hadith: 6009
[8] Madani Muzakarah, 13th Rajab, 1444 AH
[9] Madani Muzakarah, 13th Rajab, 1444 AH
[10] Al-Kāshif wa al-Bayān, p. 31
[11] Madani Muzakarah, 15th Jumādā al-Ākhirah, 1445 AH