introduction of it digital platform
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Introduction of I.T to Teachers

The IT department introduced DawateIslami IT Digital Platform to the teachers and administrators of All Pakistan Jamia-tul-Madina.

Distinguished sessions were held at the Faizan-e-Madina Global Center in Karachi, where Teachers and administrators from across Pakistan attended. These sessions, conducted by prominent figures such as Executive Body Head Haji Muhammad Imran Attari and others, covered various aspects of academic, reformative, intellectual, and organizational training. Topics included fostering students' interest in non-curricular religious activities, addressing the passion for religious preaching among students, and discussing the role teachers and administrators should play in societal development

Additionally, Jamia tul Madina instructors, teachers and administrators were acquainted with DawateIsalmi IT Digital Platform through presentations and training sessions. The Department head for web operations in the IT sector of dawat e Islami emphasized the significance of the official website of DawateIslami and mobile applications for religious preaching. The use of mobile applications, enriched with teachings from various religious, organizational, and educational fields, was highlighted as an effective way to promote Islamic teachings. Practical methods for utilizing mobile applications were also demonstrated


Important Mobile Applications of I.T. Department

* Sirat Ul Jinan

* Prayer Times

* Faizan e Hadees

* Kalma and Dua

* And Much More