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Markazi Majlis-e-Shoora
Publisher: Maktaba-tul-Madina
Publication Date:
December 23 ,2015
Total Pages: 61
ISBN No: Not Available
The Reward of Giving Sadaqah, a remarkable booklet, enriches the vision and thoughts regarding giving Sadaqah and carrying out the acts of charity & goodness. First of all you will go through a beautiful parable about giving Sadaqah and helping the needy, namely "Reward of Sadaqah " followed by 'Increase and Decrease in the Reward',' Distinction in Reward',' Less in quantity & Higher in status', 'Various forms of Sadaqah',' Four supplications in exchange for four dirhams',' Distruction of human', 'What is sincerity?' as well as much more information related to the reminding favours and taunting others which will not only increase your knowledge but also motivate you to act upon the beautiful Madani Pearls.