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day. If he does not have the excess money deducted, he will be sinner and deserving of hellfire.
Whether it is a government organization or a private firm, if an employee deliberately comes late (in a way which is contrary to the established norms) or leaves early or remains absent; in these cases he will commit a sin by deliberately violating the employment contract. Furthermore, if he receives full salary then he will also commit another sin and will deserve hell. Imam Ahmad Raza Khan عَـلَيْهِ رَحْمَةُ الـرَّحْمٰن has stated: ‘Violation of mutually agreed and permissible restrictions is Haraam; and doing personal work during duty timing is also Haraam; and receiving full salary in case of doing faulty work is also Haraam.’ (Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 19, pp. 521)
If a government officer comes to office late and the office also opens late due to his negligence, it is still compulsory for each employee to reach the office on time, no matter they have to wait sitting outside. If a dishonest officer allows his subordinate to come late and to leave early, this cannot convert an impermissible act into a permissible one. Punctuality is still necessary for all.
In government organizations, officers as well as ordinary employees all enter into the employment contract with specified working hours and everybody has to perform their full time duty properly. Sometimes, the officer leaves