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Al Madina-tul-Ilmiyah
Publisher: Maktaba-tul-Madina
Publication Date:
September 30 ,2016
Total Pages: 62
ISBN No: Not Avaailabe
The booklet “Bad Assumption” is truly a unique piece of writing primarily focusing on one of the many spiritual diseases, i.e. ‘Bad Assumption’. In the beginning, the esteemed readers will go through a thought-provoking parable namely ‘Trader suffers a loss’ followed by the definition of ‘Assumption’, its categories and the circumstances in which it becomes permissible and impermissible to have bad assumption about someone. Harmful effects of bad assumption have also been mentioned along with the methods to get rid of this evil. There is much more information, valuable parables and Madani pearls which will not only increase the knowledge but also motivate the readers to act upon the beautiful Madani Pearls and repent for their past sins. This booklet can be read online from our website or it can also be downloaded in PDF format. Readers are requested to send us their valuable feedback and share this booklet with others too in order to propagate the true & authentic Islamic knowledge.