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Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umar رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُ often sat facing the Qiblah. (Al-Adab Al-Mufrid, pp. 291, Hadees 1137)
While teaching the Noble Quran, you should sit with your back towards the Qiblah with the intention of following the blessed Sunnah. Dars-e-Nizami teachers should also do the same with the intention of Sunnah and in order to let students face the Qiblah. Educate students the Sunnah, philosophy and intention of sitting in this manner and gain many rewards and blessings. Try to sit facing the Qiblah when you are not teaching.
Religious students should sit facing the Qiblah so that they are also facing the teacher otherwise it might be difficult for them to understand [the lesson].
It is Sunnah for the Khateeb to give the sermon with his back towards the Qiblah and it is desirable that the listeners face the Khateeb.
Especially, when reciting the Holy Quran, reading religious books, writing Fatawa, compiling and authoring books, supplicating, doing Zikr, reciting Salat and Salam etc., or generally whenever sitting down or standing, if there is no religious hindrance, try to develop a habit to sit facing the Qiblah all the time and reap many rewards. (If you are within 45 degree of Qiblah, you will be considered as facing the Qiblah).