Jahannum say bachanay walay aamal

Book Name:Jahannum say bachanay walay aamal

وہاں سانپ اور بچّھو بھی مسلسل ڈَس رہے ہوں گے

کرم کر دو یہ سب کیسے سہو ں گا یا رسولَ الله

غِذا دوزخ کی تُھوہر اور اُوپر کَھولتا پانی

کرم کر دو یہ سب کیسے سہو ں گا یا رسولَ الله

نہ مانگے موت آئے گی نہ بیہوشی ہی چھائیگی

کرم کر دو یہ سب کیسے سہو ں گا یا رسولَ الله

جو تم چا ہو گے تو ہونگی مِر ی سب مُشکِلیں آساں

وَگرنہ نار میں، میں جا پڑوں گا یا رسولَ الله

تمہارا ہوں غُلام اور ہے غلامی پر مجھے تو ناز

کرم سے ساتھ جنّت میں چلوں گا یا رسولَ الله

Be anxious about the fear of Hell

Dear Islamic brothers! Just ponder that no one can bear the worldly fire so how could the fire of hell be born? Not only will there be this fire but there will be many other torments as well. Therefore bearing in mind terrors of hell, difficulties of passing over Siraat Bridge and the terrible spectacles of the hereafter it is better for us that we should do something for our safety. Sayyiduna Imam Ghazali عَـلَـیۡـهِ رَحْـمَـةُ الـلّٰـهِ الۡـوَالِی has said: One who thinks about the Judgment Day being in this world, will be more protected from those terrors. Undoubtedly, Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ does not gather two fears in His bondsman, therefore whoever has the fear of these terrors of Hereafter in the world, will remain safe from them in the hereafter. Furthermore, fear does not mean to weep like women that tears stream down and heart becoming sad when you hear about it, then after sometime, upon forgetting it, you become pre- occupied with your worldly activities. This state has nothing to do with fear, instead whoever has the fear of whatsoever, runs away from worldliness and whatsoever he hopes asks for it. Therefore you will attain salvation from that fear which prevents you from the disobedience to Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ persuading you to His worship and obedience. (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, pp. 286-287)