Yazed ka Dard Naak Anjaam

Book Name:Yazed ka Dard Naak Anjaam

corpses would rot and everyone in the world would hate them; people would rejoice and celebrate their deaths. In war, they would be in thousands but they would become cowards and would run away like eunuchs. They would find it difficult to save themselves and escape like dogs and mice. Wherever they would be found, they would instantly be ambushed. They would be hated and condemned in the world and on the Day of Judgment.

(Sawanih Karbala, pp. 125)


اے تِشنگانِ خونِ جوانانِ اہلبیت                   دیکھا کہ تم کو ظُلم کی کیسی سزا ملی

کُتّوں کی طرح لاشے تمہارے سڑا کیے          گُھورے پہ بھی نہ گور کو تمہاری جا مِلی

رُسوائے خلق ہو گئے برباد ہو گئے              مردُودَو! تم کو ذِلّتِ ہر دَوسرا ملی

تم نے اُجاڑا حضرتِ زَہرا کا بوستان              تم خود اُجڑ گئے تمہیں یہ بد دُعا ملی

دُنیا پرستو! دین سے منہ موڑ کر تمہیں       دُنیا ملی نہ عیش و طَرب کی ہوا ملی

آخر دِکھایا رنگ شہیدوں کے خون نے          سر کَٹ گئے اَماں نہ تمہیں اِک ذرا ملی

پائی ہے کیا نعیم اُنہوں نے ابھی سزا           دیکھیں گے وہ جحیم میں جس دن سزا ملی


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


Dear Islamic brothers! We have briefly heard about the horrible consequences of some of Yazeed’s evil followers like the right hand of Yazeed ‘Ibn Ziyad’ how they were brutally killed by Mukhtar Saqafi. Let’s listen to the horrific end of Yazeed now.

Horrific end of Yazeed

Shortly after the tragic incident of Karbala, Yazeed suffered from an extremely chronic disease, he would twist about like a fish out of water with severe stomach pain and wounds of his intestines. Now, being in the miserable state of his deathbed, when he was sure that death will overcome him, he called his elder son and wanted to advise something about the affairs of governance, his son let out a cry and immediately lashed out at his father’s offer saying, ‘I