Ishq-e-Majazi ki Tabah Kariyan

Book Name:Ishq-e-Majazi ki Tabah Kariyan

as a habit or for sinful activities in which unfortunately Muslims are also included. Such people do not take care of permissible and impermissible acts. A Muslim should perform each and every act according to the Shari’ah, for example if it is not used in impermissible and sinful activities, but only used in useless things, even then it should be avoided, because useless activities in addition to wasting our time, affects the pleasure and beauty of our Islam.

The Prophet of creation, the Peace of our heart and mind, the most Generous and Kind صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has stated: ‘مِنۡ حُسۡنِ اِسۡلَامِ الۡمَرۡءِ تَرۡكُهُ مَا لَا يَعۡنِيۡهِ’ To abandon useless and purposeless activities is one of the beauties of Islam.

(Sunan-ut-Tirmiżi, vol. 4, pp. 142, Hadees 2324)

Evils committed due to misuse of mobile phones

There is no doubt that nowadays mobile phones have more disadvantages and disasters than advantages. Seeing the harm and disadvantages of mobiles phones, one gets overwhelmed with sorrow and sadness. Due to the mobile phone, we have lost our peace of mind and comfort, modesty and respect. Virtuous and honourable women are also gradually losing their modesty. The respect of the son of Nabi Adam and the chastity of Sayyidah Hawwa’s daughter is in danger; their nobility and morality, culture and way of living have been destroyed; they have become extravagant. Due to the excessive misuse of mobile phones, we have lost the value and importance of time and a new era of wasting time has begun. The act of staying awake unnecessarily at night has risen due to idle gossip through mobile phones late at night. The disease of unlawful love has grown alarmingly; impermissible attachment and love have ruined the lives of the youth; due to constantly staying awake at night, the body has become completely deprived of proper rest, negatively affecting the health; the tendency to listen to songs and music and to watch films and dramas have increased; every house has an entertainment centre or several such facilities, the hurdles which were in the way of watching extremely shameful film scenes have been removed; the youth have started to become old before their time; they have lost interest in books and devotion to their work; idleness and laziness have become widespread and humans have become lazy; the act of secretly peeping at others has increased