Ishq-e-Majazi ki Tabah Kariyan

Book Name:Ishq-e-Majazi ki Tabah Kariyan

Similarly, arguments between wife and husband and being suspicious of each other are also due largely to mobile phones; many such matters have been reported. Email and mobile phones have completely weakened the personal and public life of people and have made this civilized world fall into a great trouble.

More accidents are likely caused by cell phone use, despite the strict instruction given by the law and order department, 55% of people remain busy using their mobiles whilst driving and listening to songs and chatting etc. As well as such incidents have been reported in which drivers do not hear the hooters of vehicles approaching from behind and they become victims of fatal accidents. The mobile phone can be a great blessing, but on the other hand it is a curse as well; so, use it with great care.

Currently, scientists from Finland have made research and disclosed that electromagnetic signals from cell phones can change brainwaves. Experts suggest that there is a way to refrain from its threat, that is to use it to the bare minimum when needed for the right purpose. Cell phones prove to be a potential cancer-causing risk and other such serious diseases. It should not be kept in the front pocket near the heart; it will pose negative effects upon the heart. Talking on the phone longer than one’s need leaves harmful effects on the ear but also the brain cannot escape from its dangerous rays, it especially affects bringing up children; furthermore, excessive use of mobile phones poses a threat to the brain.

Yes! One of the most risky aspects of mobile phones is that it has a negative impact on the health and growth of the foetus in the womb of a pregnant woman. Mobile phones work by electrical power as it is charged by electricity first filling it with electric waves which may pose a hazard, it is for this reason that doctors strongly forbid keeping it in the front pocket near the heart because it is likely to pose a heart disease. Today, these electromagnetic waves are disabling and paralysing the health of foetus’ in the womb of pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women must not use it excessively during the pregnancy period; use it as per need and keep it away; it should not be placed near your pillow. According to modern research revealed, a foetus in the womb listens to its mother and surroundings in the last 3 or 4