Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - Jan,FEB 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - Jan,FEB 2015

Majlis Madani Muzakarah

1.         In the Madani Muzakarahs of departments the relevant Nigran-e-Majlis (Pakistan) should prepare ‘questions of common people’ before approximately 30 days of Madani Muzakarahs and then email                       it to ‘Majlis Madani Muzakarah’ at this email address ( (With the permission and Mushawarat of the relevant member of Shura, the questions of the responsible Islamic brothers of overseas departments can also be included). What types of questions should be asked in Madani Muzakarahs? The member of Shura Haji ‘Ammad Attari Madani should email them to the responsible Islamic brothers from Pakistan Intazami Kabinah Maktab. Target: 12 days

2.         The member of Shura, Nigran-e-Attari Kabinaat Haji Ameen Attari will organize the Madani Mashwarah of the department which will have Madani Muzakarah, at least 2 weeks prior to the Madani Muzakarah of this department. The responsible Islamic brothers of Attari Kabinaat (Bab-ul-Madinah) of this department will also attend the Madani Mashwarah and the Nigran-e-Kabinaat of concerned department will hold Madani Mashwarah in similar way where OB Van is scheduled.

3.         After the Madani Muzakarah, the department is bound to give its performance to Majlis Madani Muzakarah.

4.         Next day, after the Madani Muzakarah the Nigran Majlis of departments (Pakistan) should email its overall performance to Pakistan Intazami Kabinah Maktab.

5.         The departments in which the speeches of Nigran-e-Shura are delivered, the advance preparation and performance of these Ijtima’aat should also be done in the same way.

Cooperation with Nigrans

6.         The departments in which there is a lack of cooperation with Mushawarat Nigrans in the Madani activities, cannot truly flourish. The departmental staff should also remain in touch with Mushawarat Nigrans.