Silah Rehmi

Book Name:Silah Rehmi

Ijtima of Zikr and Na’at etc. some people have the habit of inviting only those relatives or sending food etc. to only those who invite them to their ceremonies or with whom they have their personal interests. On the other hand, the relatives who cannot help them or do not invite them due to their poverty, are not invited to the ceremonies and they are not even met and respected because their relatives feel it as an insult to be associated with such ‘low-standing’ relatives. Similarly, the relatives who deserve Zakat are constantly ignored, even some personal hostilities between families become obstacles in the matters of funeral rites, performing the funeral Salah and expressing condolences on the occasion of someone passing away.

In short, today that enthusiasm of love and sincerity and helping each other among the relatives, as seen in the past, seems to be becoming extinct. Witnessing such hostile circumstances, it is not difficult to understand that true and kind relationships with relatives is now being considered as a burden.


بھائی حق مت مارنا گھر بار کا                    ورنہ ہوگا مستحق تُو نار کا


Listen to some warnings in the blessed Ahadees that condemn the act of severing ties with close relatives and not helping them in their times of difficulties, and tremble with the fear of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ; furthermore, make a firm intention to foster a kind relationship with your relatives:


1.         O Ummah of Muhammad! By the One! Who has sent me with truth; Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ does not accept the Sadaqah of the person, whose relatives need goodness from him and (yet) he gives to others. By the one! In Whose Power is my life: Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ will not have mercy on such a person on the Day of Judgement. (Majma’-uz-Zawaid, vol. 3 pp. 297, Hadees 4652)

2.          If a person approaches his close relative and asks for something that Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ has granted upon him more than he needs, but he (that relative) becomes stingy on it, then Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ will take out the python from Hell whose name will be Shuja’; it will move its tongue and will become the garland around his neck. (Mujam-ul-Awsat, vol. 4, pp. 167, Hadees 5593)