Silah Rehmi

Book Name:Silah Rehmi

One can treat his relatives with kindness in different ways. For example, giving them gifts etc., providing them with help if they need it, making Salam to them, visiting them frequently, talking to them and treating them gracefully and in a kind manner. If a person is in a foreign country, he should send letters (or use other media sources with good intentions) to his relatives, and continue to remain in touch with them so that the relationship is not broken off. If possible, he should return to his country so that ties with his relatives can be strengthened. This will also develop harmony among his relatives.

(Currently as there is very little communication through sending letters, then one can stay in contact through the phone or the internet etc. because the purpose of this contact is to maintain a good and strong relationship with each other). (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 3, pp. 558)


Strengthen relationships with relatives

Dear Islamic brothers! Besides being courteous to relatives, always maintain a good relationship with them, helping them, being with them in their joy and sorrows, invite them to ceremonies and festivals, attend their celebrations, and many other good acts like these are included in maintaining a good relationship with relatives. The kind treatment of relatives does not only mean treating those relatives kindly who have treated you kindly. This is actually an ‘exchange of treatment’. For example, sending a gift to the relative who has sent you a gift or going to the house of one who comes to yours. In actual fact, kind treatment means establishing ties with the one who cuts off ties with you and caring about the relative who ignores you and stays away from you. (Rad-dul-Muhtar, vol. 9, pp. 678)


Dear Islamic brothers! From both the blessed Ahadees that we have just heard, we have learnt that the correct Mafhoom (understanding) of Silah Rihmi is that if a relative deprives us of anything, even then, we should give to him; if he oppresses us, even then we should forgive him. We should visit the relatives who feel a dislike towards us or those who have broken their ties with us for years, or have stopped talking to us due to trivial matters, we should try and make them understand and ask for their forgiveness.