Nekiyon kay Harees

Book Name:Nekiyon kay Harees

People of today!

Dear Islamic brothers! From the blessed verse and blessed Hadees it has been learnt that we should perform those acts which benefit our Hereafter, for our forgiveness and attaining high levels of Paradise. Alas! Due to love for the world and heedlessness of the Hereafter, the majority of Muslims are far away from enthusiasm to worship and are suffering from the greed for sins. Today’s young man stands in the queue to buy an expensive ticket just to watch and listen to sinful musical programs the whole night, but unfortunately for the purpose of offering Salah he hesitates to go towards the Masjid for a few minutes. He finds time to watch films and dramas on the TV, but his Nafs and Satan become an obstacle for him in the way of watching the 100% Islamic channel ‘Madani Channel’ to acquire Islamic knowledge.

There are people who read newspapers containing many articles of hundreds of lines every day, but for months on end they have no time to recite verses of the Holy Quran. The one who wastes his time by regularly sitting in the company of bad friends is not ready to join the area visit to call towards righteousness even for one day just for a few minutes. If those who waste many hours on computers, mobile phones and night packages, are invited to attend the weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’, they reply that they have very urgent work at home.

Remember! Heedlessness and sins will only lead to destruction and humiliation. Therefore, before meeting death and leaving our dear and near ones weeping for us, we must sincerely repent immediately and create the greed for doing good deeds, considering the rest of life sufficient.


وہ ہے عیش و عِشرَت کا کوئی محل بھی             جہاں تاک میں ہر گھڑی ہو اَجَل بھی

بس اب اپنے اس جَہل سے تُو نکل بھی              یہ جینے کا انداز اپنا بدل بھی

جگہ جی لگانے کی دنیا نہیں ہے                   یہ عِبرت کی جا ہے تماشا نہیں ہے


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد