Qaboliyat e Dua Kay Waqiyat

Book Name:Qaboliyat e Dua Kay Waqiyat

salvation from this trouble! The rock moved a bit more, but still not enough for them to exit.


The third man said: O Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ! I employed some men for labour, and all of them except one took their wages. I invested his wage in business and made a lot of profit. Sometime later he came to me and demanded his wage. I responded, ‘These camels, cows, goats and servants that you see all belong to you.’ He said, ‘Are you joking with me?’ I replied, ‘No, I am not, it is the truth.’ On hearing this he took all his wealth and went away leaving nothing. O Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ! If this deed of mine was solely for Your pleasure then please save us from this difficulty. As soon as he made the Du’a, the rock moved away completely and they exited the cave. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 1465, Hadees 2743)

Making Du’a through the Waseelah of a good deed

Regarding this blessed Hadees ‘Allamah Ibn Battaal رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has said: If a person has a good intention and makes Du’a through the Waseelah of those deeds which he performed purely for the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, then it is hoped that his Du’a will be answered. When the people trapped in the cave made Du’a through the Waseelah of those deeds which they performed only for the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ and were hopeful that the entrance of the cave would open due to these Waseelahs, then Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ blessed them by answering their Du’as and granted them salvation from the cave.

(Sharh Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Adab, vol. 9, pp. 193)


نہ کر رَد کوئی اِلتجاء یا اِلٰہی                       ہو مقبول ہر اِک دُعا یا اِلٰہی

رہے ذِکر آٹھوں پَہَر میرے لب پر               تِرا یا اِلٰہی تِرا یا اِلٰہی


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


Dear Islamic brothers! It has also been learnt in the light of blessed Hadees and its explanation that the good deed which is performed only for the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ will benefit one in this world and in the Hereafter.