Mah e Milad Mananay Walon kay Waqiyat

Book Name:Mah e Milad Mananay Walon kay Waqiyat

اَلۡـحَـمۡـدُ   لِـلّٰـہِ  رَبِّ  الۡـعٰـلَـمِیۡنَ   وَ  الـصَّـلٰـوۃُ   وَ  الـسَّـلَامُ  عَـلٰی   سَـیِّـدِ   الۡـمُـرۡ  سَـلِـیۡنَ

اَمَّـا  بَــعۡـدُ   فَـاَعُـوۡذُ   بِـا لـلّٰـہِ   مِـنَ   الـشَّـیۡـطٰنِ   الـرَّجِیۡمِؕ    بِـسۡمِ   الـلّٰـہِ   الـرَّحۡـمٰنِ   الـرَّحِـیۡمِؕ

Parables of Those Who Celebrated the Month of Meelad



وَعَلٰى اٰلِكَ وَاَصۡحٰبِكَ يَا حَبِيۡبَ اللّٰه


اَلصَّلٰوةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَيۡكَ يَا رَسُوۡلَ اللّٰه

وَعَلٰى اٰلِكَ وَاَصۡحٰبِكَ يَا نُوۡرَ اللّٰه

اَلصَّلٰوةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَيۡكَ يَا نَبِيَّ اللّٰه


نَوَيۡتُ سُنَّتَ الۡاِعۡتِكَافِ

Translation: I have made the intention of Sunnah I’tikaf.


Whenever you enter a Masjid, upon remembering, make the intention of Nafl I’tikaf because as long as you stay in the Masjid you will keep obtaining the reward of Nafl (supererogatory) I’tikaf, and eating and drinking will also become permissible for you in the Masjid.

Excellence of Salat-‘Alan-Nabi صَلَّی اللّٰہ تعالٰی علیہ واٰلہ وسلَّم

The Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: When people who love each other for the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ meet together, shake hands [with each other] and recite Salat-‘Alan-Nabi, the past and future sins of both of them are forgiven before they separate from each other.

(Musnad Abi Ya’la, vol. 3, pp. 95, Hadees 2951)


گرچہ ہیں بے حد قُصور تم ہو عَفُوّ و غَفور

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