Book Name:Ghous-e-Pak ka Ilmi Martaba

Impressed by the sincerity and piety of this young traveller of the path of Allah, the chief of the robbers repented of his sins. His fellow thieves also repented and said, ‘O chief! You were our leader when we were robbers, now you will also lead us to the path of righteousness.’ They returned the valuables they had snatched from the people of caravan. These were those very first people who had repented at my hands. (Qalaaid-ul-Jawahir, pp. 8; summarized)


چور حاکم سے چھُپا کرتے ہیں یاں اس کے خلاف

تیرے دامن میں چُھپے چور انوکھا تیرا

بد سہی چور سہی مجرم و ناکارہ سہی

اے وہ کیسا ہی سہی ہے تو کریما تیرا

تُو جو چاہے تو ابھی میل مرے دل کے دُھلیں

کہ خُدا دل نہیں کرتا کبھی میلا تیرا


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


دِلوایئے جنّت                       غوثِ پاک

دو بدیوں سے نفرت                 غوثِ پاک

دو شوقِ عبادت                     غوثِ پاک

سرکار کی اُلفت                      غوثِ پاک

مرحبا یا غوثِ پاک      مرحبا یا غوثِ پاک     مرحبا یا غوثِ پاک


Dear Islamic brothers! The parable you have just listened shows how great yearning our Ghaus-e-A’zam رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه had for acquiring Islamic knowledge that he not only left his home and travelled vast distances to achieve this noble cause, but he also went away from his caring mother. His mother has also made a great sacrifice that she not only granted her beloved son permission to acquire Islamic knowledge, overlooking the pain and grief