Safar-e-Meraj Or Azmat-e-Mustafa ﷺ

Book Name:Safar-e-Meraj Or Azmat-e-Mustafa ﷺ

along with devotees of Rasul on the very first night of Shawwal immediately after the ending of Ramadan. Many fortunate lovers of Ramadan also get the privilege of attending various Madani courses such as Islah-e-Amaal course, 12-day Madani work course, Faizan-e-Namaz course, Imamat course, Mudarris course, etc.

رحمتِ حق سے دامن تم آکر بھرو

سُنَّتیں سیکھنے کے لیے آؤ تم

فضلِ ربّ سے گناہوں کی کالک دُھلے

نیکیوں کا تمہیں خوب جذبہ ملے

بھائی گر چاہتے ہو ”نَمازیں پڑھوں“

نیکیوںمیں تمنّا ہے ”آگے بڑھوں“

تم کو راحت کی نعمت اگر چاہئے

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف

مَدَنی ماحول میں کر لو تم اعتکاف


Motivation for Madani donations

Dear Islamic brothers! Dawat-e-Islami is a global and non-political Quran and Sunnah preaching and Masjid-filling movement. Its Madani message has so far reached almost over 200 countries of the world. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ Dawat-e-Islami is performing Madani activities for serving Islam in more than 100 different departments. Billions of rupees are annually spent on Jami’at-ul-Madinah (for boys and girls), Madrasa-tul-Madinah (for boys and girls) and Madani channel alone. Jami’at-ul-Madinah has so far produced thousands of scholars who are making efforts, promoting Islamic teachings in different departments. Similarly, more or less 69100 (sixty- nine thousand and one hundred) Madani children [boys and girls] have got the privilege of memorizing the Holy Quran and almost 195242 (one hundred ninety- five thousand and two hundred forty- two) Madani children have completed reciting the Nazirah of Holy Quran at Madaris-ul-Madinah. Every year, during the month of Ramadan, thousands of Huffaz are privileged to recite or to