Shab-e-Baraat Ki Ahmiyat Or Tauba Kay Fazail

Book Name:Shab-e-Baraat Ki Ahmiyat Or Tauba Kay Fazail

‘Whoever loves my Sunnah, loves me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah.’ (Ibn ‘Asakir, vol. 9, pp. 343)



سینہ تری سُنَّت کا مدینہ بنے آقا      جنَّت میں پڑوسی مجھے تم اپنا بنانا

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب              صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد



Sunnah and manners of travelling

Dear Islamic brothers! Most of the time we travel from place to place. We should try to learn all of the Sunan and etiquettes of travelling in order to act upon them and earn rewards:


1.         If possible start your journey on a Thursday because it is a Sunnah to start a journey on a Thursday. (Ashi’a-tul-Lam’aat, vol. 5, pp. 161)

If it is possible then one should travel at night because the journey is completed faster.

If there are many Islamic brothers travelling together, then make one the leader (Ameer).

Upon leaving for the journey, ask pardon of any faults from friends, family; and whoever asks to be forgiven, he should be forgiven.

(Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 19, vol. 6)

While wearing clothes that you will travel in, and if it is not a Makruh time, whosoever offers 4 Rak’aat Nafl with ‘اَلۡحَمۡدُ وَ قُلۡ’ then leaves home, those Rak’aat will protect his family and wealth.

Whenever we leave on a journey, we should entrust the family and wealth to Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ. Without doubt Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ is the best Protector. If possible one should say the following words to the family: