Buri Sohabat Ka Wabal

Book Name:Buri Sohabat Ka Wabal

alcoholic. Now, his father realized his mistake and requested the same devotee of Rasool to take his son with a Madani Qafilah so that he might give up drinking. The devotee of Rasool made an individual effort again, but the young man had been so spoiled that he was no longer prepared to travel with the Madani Qafilah.

Similarly, once the elder sister of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ told him that an Islamic sister tearfully requested her to make Du’a for the reform of her son’s character. ‘Alas, she said, ‘I have myself spoiled my son! I got him enrolled in the Hifz [Quranic memorization] class of Madrasa-tul-Madinah. When he came home after learning Sunnahs and etiquette, he would tell them to us, but we would make fun of him. Disheartened, he eventually stopped going to Madrasa-tul-Madinah. Now, he has become a loafer due to the company of bad friends. Coincidentally, I have associated myself with the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami. Now I deeply regret. Alas! What will become of me!’

صُحبتِ صالِـح تُرا صالِـح کُنَند              صُحبتِ طالِـح تُرا طالِـح کُنَند

(The company of the pious will make you pious, whereas that of the wicked will make you wicked).

Introduction to the book, ‘Blessings of good environment’

Dear Islamic brothers! Have you noticed! How regretful are the parents who do not provided their children with good company! If parents associate themselves with the Madani environment and give Madani upbringing to their children, so these children not only will benefit them in the world, but they will also become the source of their salvation in the Hereafter. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ, Maktaba tul Madinah has published a 50-page book named, ‘Achhay Mahool ki barkatayn’ in order to spread the blessings of good company and to save Ummah from the curse and evils of bad company. In this book, the recognition of good and bad company, advantages of good environment and the disadvantages of bad environment have all been mentioned in the light of blessed Ayahs, Ahadees and sayings of pious saints of Islam. Buy this book from Maktaba tul Madinah and read it not only yourself, but also persuade