Book Name:Ankhaun ka Tara Naam Muhammad

نبی کا جھنڈا لیکر نکلو دُنیا پر چھا جاؤ

نبی کا جھنڈا اَمن کا جَھنڈا گھر گھر میں لہراؤ


Lead the whole world bearing the Nabi’s flag

It’s peace flag; so at every home wave this great flag

Illuminate your home with 12 lighting strings or at least 12 bulbs. Further, install decorative lightings in your area and Masjid (remember, using electricity illegally for this purpose is Haraam, therefore, use electricity legally by contacting the electric company). Decorate your whole area with green flags, buntings and bright lights. Display big flags (12 metres long or as suited) on the roof of your home and Masjid and on main squares etc. such that they may not hinder pedestrians and traffic in anyway and also make sure that public rights are not violated. Don’t hoist flags in the middle of the road as this will obstruct the traffic. Do not decorate streets etc. in a way that results in narrowing the passage leading to a violation of Muslims’ rights.


مَشرق و مَغرب میں اِک اِک بامِ کعبہ پر بھی ایک

نَصب پرچم ہوگیا، اَھلًا وَّ سَھلًا مرحبا


Flags were hoisted one in the East, one in the West and one on the roof of the Ka’bah to welcome the arrival of the Beloved Rasool.

(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 453)

Every Islamic brother should distribute as many booklets as possible or different pamphlets published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah or at least amounting to 12 PKR to the participants of the Milad procession. Islamic sisters should also get the booklets distributed.

Similarly, make your contribution to calling towards righteousness by keeping booklets in your shops etc. for distributing free of charge throughout the year. Also make efforts to distribute booklets on occasions of weddings, funerals etc. in order to convey Sawab to the deceased. Persuade other Muslims to do the same as well.