Book Name:Ankhaun ka Tara Naam Muhammad

بانٹ کر مَدَنی رسائل دِین کو پھیلائیے

کر کے راضی حق کو حقدارِ جِناں بن جائیے


Spread the Sunnah by distributing Madani booklets

Be deserving of Heaven by pleasing Allah

If possible, buy 12 booklets titled ‘The Dawn of Blessings’ and 112 pamphlets or at least 12 pamphlets titled ‘12 Madani pearls for celebrating the Milad of the Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّمfrom Maktaba-tul-Madinah and give them as a gift especially to the leaders of the organizations that arrange Milad gatherings. During the month of Rabi’-un-Noor, donate 1200 PKR or, if not possible, 112 PKR or at least 12 PKR to some Sunni scholar (only adults should do so). You may also donate this money to the Imam, Muazzin or caretaker of your Masjid. Make the intention to continue this good service on a monthly basis.

It is better to donate the money on Friday because the reward of every good deed increases by 70 times on Friday. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ! The cassettes of Bayanaat (Sunnah-inspiring speeches) have played a vital role in reforming the lives of several people. Some of you may have also joined Dawat-e-Islami by virtue of listening to some Bayan cassettes. So distributing these cassettes and VCDs to people is a great service to Islam and a means of earning huge rewards. Therefore, if possible, sell out 12 cassettes or VCDs of Sunnah-inspiring speeches every week or at least every month. Wealthy Islamic brothers may do this service for free. By virtue of the celebration of Milad, distribute as many Bayan cassettes and VCDs as you can and thus take part in preaching Islam.

On the occasion of weddings, give [people] a booklet or a Bayan VCD as a gift along with the wedding card. Abandon the tradition of Eid cards and replace it with the tradition of distributing booklets etc., so that the money being spent can also benefit Islam. People send me expensive Eid cards, which sadden my heart instead of making it happy. If only people spent their hard-earned money in the propagation of Islam instead of Eid cards! Furthermore, the glittering powder on these cards also causes serious troubles.