Ham Dartay Kiun Nahi?

Book Name:Ham Dartay Kiun Nahi?

accountability is made, it will be His justice. Hence now I will not take rest and will continue to try my best to kill my Nafs. When the time of his death approached, he started wailing. People asked him: You have spent the whole life in worship and spiritual exercises. Now why are you weeping? He then replied: Who should weep more than me because the door which I have been knocking for seventy years will be opened today, but I do not know whether the door of Paradise or Hell will be opened. Would that my mother had not given birth to me and I would have not seen this hardship!

(Hikayaat-us-Saliheen, pp. 36)


کاش کے نہ دُنیا میں پیدا مَیں ہوا ہوتا    قَبر و حشر کا ہر غم ختم ہوگیا ہوتا

آہ! سَلبِ ایماں کا خوف کھائے جاتا ہے    کاش کے مِری ماں نے ہی نہیں جَنا ہوتا


Dear Islamic brothers! Have you noticed how great the life style of our pious predecessors was! Despite offering long Salahs they used to be very scared due to Divine fear and fear of Hell. On the other hand, if we analyse our character, we will feel ashamed because we do not have good deeds; we do not take interest in Salahs, recitation of the Holy Quran, Masajid, etc., and nor do we act upon Sunnahs. We had a deep yearning to reform others, but do not care for our own reformation. We do not give up the habits of committing sins and talking uselessly and the company of bad friends; we do not get ready to repent of our sins, and nor do we get frightened of agonies of death, torments of the grave, Judgement Day and Hell. In short, our condition is getting bad to worse day by day and we are committing sins abundantly. If only we can get rid of the disease of sins! If only we become those who spend every moment performing virtuous deeds! If only the tears keep on strolling from our eyes due to the fear of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ and the sacred love of Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. If only we also get blessed with the fear of Hell as our pious predecessors did!


یا ربّ بچا لے تُو مجھے نارِ جَحیم سے

اَولاد پر بھی بلکہ جہنَّم حرام ہو