Ham Dartay Kiun Nahi?

Book Name:Ham Dartay Kiun Nahi?

6.    It is stated on page 409 of the 3rd volume of the 1197-page book    Bahar-e-Shari’at, published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami: It is a Sunnah that the length of the Kurta (upper garment) be up to half of the shin, and that of the sleeve be up to the fingertips at the most, with its width of one hand-span.

(Rad-dul-Muhtar, vol. 9, pp. 579)

7.    It is a Sunnah for males to keep the bottom of their trousers/Tahband above the ankles. (Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 6, pp. 94)

8.    Men should wear only masculine clothing and women should wear only feminine clothing. Take the same care when dressing small children.

9.     Wearing clothes showing arrogance is forbidden. Whether one has become arrogant or not can be determined by pondering over one’s feelings. If one has the same state after wearing the clothes he had before wearing, it indicates that he has not become arrogant. If the previous state does not exist anymore, this shows he has become arrogant. Therefore, he should refrain from wearing such clothes because arrogance is a very evil trait. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 3, pp. 409; Rad-dul-Muhtar, vol. 9, pp. 579)


To learn various Sunan, obtain the following books, Bahar-e-Shari’ah part 16 comprising of 312 pages and Sunnatayn aur Adaab, comprising of 120   pages, both published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami. One of the best ways to learn Sunan is to travel in the Madani Qafilahs of Dawat-e-Islami with the lovers of the Beloved Rasool.


عاشقانِ رسول، آئیں سنّت کے پھول

دینے لینے چلیں، قافلے میں چلو


[صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب           صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد