Book Name:Jhoot ki Tabah Kariyaan

Definition and harmful effects of Hubb-e-Jah [love for status]

Dear Islamic brothers! One of the most highly alarming internal epidemics rampant in our communities is Hubb-e-Jah which means “love for status”  (Call to Righteousness, pp.87). This desire is the root of all evils.

Sometimes it can even ruin and demolish an individual’s religion; it is for this reason that escaping it is absolutely imperative. The following warning by the Noblest Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم is sufficient for any Muslim: ‘Two hungry wolves do not cause as much destructiveness to the herd of goats as much destructiveness is caused by love for status and wealth, to the religion of a Muslim.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 4, pp. 166, Hadees. 2383)

The above mentioned blessed Hadees, teaches us that Hubb-e-Jah leads to nothing but destruction. It is due to the evils of this despicable malady that Sayyiduna Abu Nasr Bishr Haafi Marwazee رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه remarked: “I do              not know of any individual who aspired for fame whose religion was not ruined and destroyed and he himself was not humiliated and disgraced.” (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 3, pp. 340)

Non-Sayyids claiming to be Sayyids

Dear Islamic brothers! Just think about how disastrous a malady “greed/desire for fame and self-respect” is. Some sufferers of this malady even lie about their lineage in order to gain respect in their communities. In the subcontinent (Pakistan and India), the word ‘Sayyid’ is used for individuals whose genealogies can be traced back through their fathers to the Noblest Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. However in our communities, even some non-Sayyid individuals enjoy being labelled as ‘Sadaat’ in order to acquire respect and fame, status and glory, though in actual fact this is nothing but    a lie.

Remember! Declaring someone other than your biological father to be your father, or linking your family and lineage to a family other than your own biological one is Haraam, will deprive you of Heaven and will hurl you towards Hell. Many Ahadees severely warn against doing this:

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُمَا narrated: The Holiest Rasool           صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم declared: “Anybody who claims that someone other than his (biological) father is his father, will not even smell the aroma of Heaven, (while) its aroma can be smelt from a distance of 500 years.”

(Attargheeb Wattarheeb, vol. 3, pp. 52, Hadees 5)