
Book Name:Fikr-e-Akhirat

Did any one of you cry over the fact that I will have to face Munkar and Nakeer? Did anyone from you cry over the fact that I will have to appear in the blessed court of my Creator عَزَّوَجَلَّ for my accountability? No one from you even cried over the difficulties I will face in the afterlife, but rather you all are crying because of your own worldly benefits.’ He then let out a scream and passed away”.

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب           صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

O devotees of the Prophet! Alongside his family, what a beautiful mindset the pious and devout person has given us with regard to thinking about the Hereafter. Truly, we should ponder over the fact that we are able to cry over losing the benefits of this world but have we ever cried over the fact that we may be deprived from Heaven due to our bad deeds and be made to enter the Hellfire? We try our utmost to gain the blessings of this world. Have we ever tried our utmost to gain the blessings of Heaven by going against our desires and doing good deeds? If someone takes our test in this world, we begin to sweat, and even though we know the answer, we still forget it due to the pressure. Have we ever trembled due to the fear of the test in the grave and the Hereafter or have we ever developed the mindset of preparing for that test? Remember! This world and all of its blessings are temporary. Therefore, along with these temporary comforts and taking pleasure from these blessings, do remember that you will be held accountable for all these blessings. Accountability is not just for food, drink and important things that were used, but also for actions and we will be held accountable for every single action. Therefore, before doing anything, we must definitely think for even a moment that whatever action I intend to carry out, is there any benefit of this in the Hereafter or not, because I could be held to account for idle and worthless acts.

Remember! On the Day of Judgement, we will be held to account for every limb of our body from which people commit many bad deeds throughout the day and night. For example, the eyes, from which people look at things that Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ has forbidden for us to look at. They unlawfully gaze at others, they watch films and dramas and they get pleasure from looking at shameless scenes. Similarly, the ears of lot of people are busy listening to Haraam, like