Moasharay Ki Islah

Book Name:Moasharay Ki Islah

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Who is the dirty fish of the pond?

Dear Islamic sisters, even today if everyone began striving to reform their inner and outer appearance, the distorted image of society would automatically get better. Today, we are very concerned about the distorted image of the society, but alas! In this desire, we have forgotten about our own picture. Today, the example is given that one dirty fish will make the entire pond dirty, however, no one thinks that they themselves might be that dirty fish which is contaminating the pond of society.

There is no doubt that the Holy Quran and Hadeeth and the accounts and statements of the saints of Allah Almighty transform the hearts; however, in the current age, meetings of discussion, talk shows and conferences are held and lengthy speeches are delivered by experts of various sciences and disciplines in which many hours are spent discussing and debating how to reform the society, yet the outcome is ‘the situation does not seem to be getting better’.

Today our state has become strange as well. We consider certain wrongs as bad but as for many other wrongs, let alone speaking ill of them, they are not even thought of as bad. Is not offering Salah not bad? Is it not a sin to leave a Fard [obligatory] fast of Ramadan without a valid Shari’ reason? Is lying not a bad thing? Is breaking promises not a bad thing? Is it permissible to backbite Islamic sisters without a Shari’ permission? Is it not a sin to harm Muslims? Is oppressing the parents not disobedience of Allah Almighty?

Most certainly, all these are also wrongdoings; all these are also the actions that damage the society too, however, a number of people are unwilling to refer to them and consider them as wrong. If they do refer to them as bad, then they will not make efforts to refrain from them.

Like this, some wrongdoings are so destructive that due to them, society continues plunging into the depths of the sea of destruction, whereas, perhaps we do not even recognise those wrongdoings. Not fulfilling the rights of others is also from those wrongdoings. Ponder!