Shetan Ki Insan Se Dushmani

Book Name:Shetan Ki Insan Se Dushmani

you see in front of you. My finger will destroy and ruin it in a short while, and people will start fighting and quarrelling with each other themselves. Satan entered the city with the person. In a market, a confectioner was boiling water mixed with sugar to make syrup in a big pan. Satan dipped his finger in the pan, took out some syrup and applied it onto the wall. He then said: Now watch how this city is destroyed. A few moments later, flies came and sat on the syrup that was on the wall. Upon seeing a swarm of flies, a house-lizard climbed the wall to eat the flies. The confectioner had a cat. Upon seeing a house-lizard, the cat got ready to pounce upon the house-lizard. 2 soldiers were passing by the market with a dog. The dog saw the cat and instantly attacked it. The cat jumped in order to run away and fell into the pan of syrup and died. When the confectioner saw his cat die, he killed the dog. Seeing this, soldiers killed the confectioner. The relatives of the confectioner came to know about this so they killed the soldiers. When the army came to know about the deaths of their 2 soldiers, they got angry and destroyed and ruined the whole city. (Shaytan ki Hikayat, pp. 150; summarised)

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic sisters! The lesson we learn from the above-mentioned story is that we must refrain from fights and also try to stop others from this satanic work, because sometimes, many fights occur due to some misunderstanding, many homes rather many families are ruined. That’s why, if someone does want to cause fights, we should not allow him to succeed in his evil intention.

If you have to fight, do so against the Nafs and Satan

Therefore, we must make this strike of Satan unsuccessful by staying away from fights and quarrels, and treat our Islamic sisters with affection, showing good character and softness. Remember! One cause of fights is objection. This objection is a fight in itself, as one reaches the stage of fighting through raising a baseless objection initially. Therefore, whenever we want to reform someone or bring their attention towards something, then instead of adopting an objecting approach; we should adopt a manner of making them understand. Try to make them aware of their fault with softness and do it in