Book Name:Koshish Kamyabi Ki Kunji Hai

it is said that ‘striving is the key to success.’ In today’s Bayan, we will listen to the importance of striving and the things we should be striving for. There can be no bigger success than to attain the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ; we will hear about what we should strive in to attain such a huge success. We will also hear about how important it is to strive to be obedient to our parents and to try and perform virtuous actions to be successful in this life and the hereafter. We will also listen to parables and many points about how continuous striving can lead to enormous successes.

Let’s listen to an informative parable about the importance of striving:

The strive of an ant

It is said that a king had attacked an area more than 6 times in order to conquer it, but was unsuccessful. When his last attempt was also unsuccessful, he became tired and in a state of despair he lay down in the room with the intention to rest. Whilst thinking about his numerous unsuccessful attempts, suddenly his eyesight fell upon an ant trying to climb the wall in the room which had no intention of giving up despite falling constantly. Many times, the ant would reach very close to the top of the wall but would then fall down. The ant would then get up and try again to climb the wall. Eventually, after many attempts, the ant became successful in its mission. Seeing this struggle of the ant, the king gained motivation. He fought off his despair, strived again with a new passion and enthusiasm to attack that area and became successful in his mission.

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Learn a lesson from the striving of the ant

Dear Islamic sisters! We learn from this parable that continuous striving and effort does eventually produce a result. We are able to learn many things from the action of an ant in trying to achieve its mission. No matter how far or how difficult the destination is, an ant goes towards its purpose with much courage and only rests when it manages to attain great heights. Likewise, a few small ants work together to pick up big grains and take it inside their