Nachaqiyon Kay Asbab Aur ilaj

Book Name:Nachaqiyon Kay Asbab Aur ilaj

Unnecessary anger

Dear Islamic sisters! Unnecessary anger is also such a dangerous epidemic that creates major mischiefs and opens doors to many conflicts. Anger is the name of those emotions of the Nafs that incite a person to take revenge from the other person or to distance her away. (Mirat-ul-Manajeeh, vol. 6, pp. 655)  

Highlighting evils created by unnecessary anger

Remember! Unnecessary anger leads to various evils that are destructive for the Hereafter. For example:

   *Anger leads to jealousy.

   *Anger leads to backbiting.

   *Anger entices a person to tale-tell.

   *Anger revives the hidden animosity in the heart.

   *Anger severs relationships.

   *Anger leads a person towards lying.

   *Due to anger, a person tarnishes the dignity of others. 

   *Anger gives a person the disgraceful mind-set of considering Muslims having lower status to be inferior then oneself.

   *Anger leads both parties to abuse each other.

   *Anger makes a person arrogant.

   *Anger leads a person into an unnecessary quarrel.

   *Anger makes a person mock others.

   *Anger provokes a person to sever other people’s ties.

   *Anger does not let a person regard anyone.

   *At times, anger destroys a happy family, i.e. even divorce takes place between husband and wife.

   *An angry person becomes happy and pleased upon the loss of his enemy.