Bemari kay Faiday

Book Name:Bemari kay Faiday

can I say? Illnesses don’t leave me alone.’ ‘I have become tired from getting treatment but there is no recovery from anywhere.’ ‘I exercise precaution so much but the illness just constantly increases.’’ ‘I have even been to the most expensive doctors and physicians.’ ‘I have also visited the most expensive hospitals and pharmacies.’ ‘I have even used expensive medicines, I have even been using Ta’weez for quite some time, but illnesses are still here such that they do not even think of leaving.’ ‘Sister! What do you ask of my state? Illnesses have actually made me old in young age.’ ‘My stomach is always unwell.’ ‘Weakness is constantly increasing.’ ‘My sugar, blood pressure and uric acid levels have increased.’ ‘My heart, kidneys and liver have even stopped working.’ ‘Due to illnesses, I have been deprived of the true happiness of life.’ Etc.

Bear in mind! Instead of being patient in the state of illness, by telling people about one’s complaints, showing people sadness due to illnesses and demonstrating impatience, let alone recovering from the illness, the opposite can happen by deprivation from the blessing of illness; just as,

An ill person deprived from the supplication of angels

It is stated in a blessed Hadees: When a person becomes ill, Allah Almighty commands two angels, ‘Look! What does this person say to those who come to enquire about him?’ If he is grateful to Allah Almighty and says something good, both angels therefore supplicate for him; and if he complains and says illness is bad, they both therefore say, ‘Remain in that same state.’’

(Muwatta Imam Malik, vol. 2, p. 429, Hadees 1798, slightly amended; Mawsu’ah Li-Ibn-e-Abi Dunya, vol. 4, p. 238, Hadees 47, slightly amended)

Complaining destroys the pleasure of worship

A renowned pious predecessor, Sayyiduna Shaqeeq Balkhi رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه states, ‘Whoever complains about his problem to someone, he will never be fortunate to have the pleasure of worship.’ (Minhaj-ul-Qaasideen, p. 323)

Complaining about fever, complaining about pain?

A’la Hadrat, the Imam of the Ahl-us-Sunnah, Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه states, ‘Complaining about fever, complaining about