Book Name:Tazkia e Nafs

Halqa schedule for weekly Ijtima’ - overseas - 14 March 2024

1.   Learning sunnahs and Etiquettes: 5 minutes

2.   Memorising the du’a: 5 minutes

3.   Summary: 5 minutes

4.   Total length: 15 minutes

Remaining pearls of wisdom for the seeker of knowledge

   *The similitude of one who learns knowledge, but then does not speak about it, is like the one who hoards treasure and does not spend from it.[1]

   *Seek permission from a scholar out of respect before asking him a question.[2]

   *Knowledge increases by searching for it, and familiarity is built through asking questions. So, seek knowledge for that which you do not know, and act upon what you know.[3]

   *The initial stage of youth is the best time to gain knowledge, and the best time to study is prior to Fajr and the time between Maghrib and ꜤIshāˈ. These are the best times to study, but a student of knowledge should always be busy learning.[4]



[1] Al-MuꜤjam al-Awsaṭ, vol. 1, p.204, Hadith 689

[2] A’rabi kay Sawalat aur Arabi Aaqa kay Jawabat, p. 6

[3] JāmiꜤ Bayān al-ꜤIlm wa-Faḍlih, vol. 1, p. 122, Hadith 402

[4] The Path of Knowledge, p. 73