Book Name:Tazkia e Nafs

24.   Did you listen to or deliver at least one Madani dars in the masjid, workplace, or wherever else possible?

25.   Did you dress according to the sunnah? These clothes must be a colour allowed by Islamic law and not egregiously bright or sparkling.

26.   Are you following the sunnah of having long hair?

27.   Do you have a fist-length beard?

28.   Did you repent immediately after sinning?

29.   Did you eat according to the sunnah and recited the duas before and after eating?

30.   Did you give salam to the Muslims you met at home, in the workplace, on buses, trains, and other places?

31.   Did you act upon at least some sunnahs related to miswāk, exiting and entering the home, sleeping and awakening, and sitting facing qibla etc?

32.   Before the obligatory units of ẓuhr salah, did you offer four units of sunnah?

33.   Did you offer tahajjud salah at night? If you did not sleep, did you offer ṣalāt al-layl?

34.   Did you offer the voluntary prayers of ishrāq, chasht, and awwābīn?

35.   Did you offer the four units of sunnah that come before the obligatory units of ʿaṣr or ʿishāˈ?

36.   Did you encourage someone else to take part in at least one of the 12 Islamic Activities?

37.   Did you avoid asking others for their things or using them?