Dawat-e-Islami’s educational services
Abu Usayd Muhammad Junayd Raza Attari al-Madani; member of Dawat-e-Islami’s Central Executive Committee
Education is a foundational factor behind success. It plays an intrinsic role in both individual and collective societal advancement. It is key to bettering one’s character, instilling life discipline, and becoming a productive person. Educated people are an asset to their country and community. It is education which embellishes and brings forth a person’s natural talents, propelling them to triumph and furtherance.
Its importance is known to one and all. However, most people, as Muslims, seem to be unaware of the educational concepts, purposes, and priorities that lead to success in this world and the Hereafter, and positive progress in personal and societal matters. This is despite the fact education’s primary objective is to help one learn and prioritise actions and beliefs that lead to Allah Almighty being pleased, and one acquiring prosperity in the Hereafter.
Alongside education, it is a must for one to learn vital skills, which in turn shall allow them to promote moral values and tend to life necessities. Another goal of education is to develop one’s faculties to the extent they begin contemplating the Universe and what it contains, which is in fact a Quranic injunction. This will allow the facilitation of ease for people and push them forward towards positive advancement.
Dawat-e-Islami itself is a religious and educational organisation, operating across 80 departmental sectors. It also manages a huge educational system, which is based upon the pedagogic ideologies of Imam Ghazālī and Imam Aḥmad Razā Khān رَحِمَهُمَا الـلّٰـهُ .
Dawat-e-Islami’s educational services include:
* Spreading indispensable knowledge of the noble Quran and Sunnah to felicitate success for all humankind.
* To promote social etiquettes and Islamic morals.
* Preparing sincere individuals who are eager to serve Islam.
* Paralleling and matching international educational standards.
* Disseminating a culture of research.
* Providing training for teachers.
* Running educational courses.
* Establishing libraries specifically for the availability of modern research-based works.
Kanz al-Madaris Board
Dawat-e-Islami’s educational board is named Kanz al-Madaris, which is officially recognized by the Pakistan government and HEC approved.
This board serves to manage Jamiat al-Madinah and Madrassat al-Madinahs curriculums, exams, and educational affairs. It also runs a scholar course which allows students to study whilst working towards official qualifications.
Astonishing student achievements in secular and Islamic sciences
Every year, students in Dawat-e-Islami’s educational institutes score highly in both Kanz al-Madaris and government-legislated educational boards. This year, Jamiat al-Madinah student Abu Sarib Ahmad Attari acquired a gold medal for finishing first in Karachi’s educational board.
A majority of male and female students also scored over 1000 out of 1100, in their district level exams. Dawat-e-Islami’s educational institutes also finished top in four divisions across Punjab. One student involved in this was Muhammad Afdal Attari, who finished top of his matric class (equal to UK GCSES).
Other high scoring Jamia students include Muzammil Attari, who finished second in his entire region; Farhan Attari, who finished third, and Ghulam Murtaza Attari, who also finished third in his respective region. At the time of writing, high hopes are held for other students to also score highly - اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه.
Jamiat al-Madinah and Madrassat al-Madinah
اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه According to an August 2024 report, Jamiat al-Madinah and Madrassat al-Madinah institutes have been established in over 36 countries. These cater for scholar courses, holy Quran memorisation, the study of Arabic articulation, and a host of other educational endeavours. These services are provided entirely for free. Online services are also provided to students from over 80 countries.
Model Jamiat al-Madinah
Jamiat al-Madinah Degree Institute appoints select Jamiat al-Madinahs at the behest of Karachi’s Madani Centre, and turns them into Model Jamiat al-Madinahs, in which students can work for BS Honors alongside studying to be Islamic scholars. Hundreds of male and female students are currently involved in this endeavour.
Kulliyyat al-Sharīʿa course
As for students graduating from universities with BA or equivalent qualifications, a four module Kulliyyat al-Sharīʿa course is made available for them, in their quest to become Islamic scholars.
This course is administered and supervised by HEC Pakistan. It consists of four modules and is only available for university graduates. Whoever completes this four-year course can attain an MA in Islamic studies, or an equivalent qualification.
Kanz al-Madaris Board also offers specialised exams for students of Quranic sciences, such as memorisation, tajwid, and reciting. The same is available for students of the scholar, Kulliyyat al-Sharīʿa, Arabic language, and Islamic comprehension courses, as well as a host of others.
These include:
تَخَصُّصْ فِی التَّفْسِیْر, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْحَدِیْث, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْفِقْہِ الْحَنَفِی, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْفِقْہِ الْحَنَفِی وَفِقْہِ الْحَلَال, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْفِقْہِ وَالْاِقْتِصَادِ الْاِسْلَامِی, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الدَّعْوَۃِ وَالْاِرْشَاد, تَخَصُّص فِی الْعُلُومِ الْعَرَبِیَّۃ, تَخَصُّصْ فِی التَّوْقِیْت, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْفُنُون, تَخَصُّصْ فِی التَّحْقِیْقِ وَالتَّحْرِیْر, تَخَصُّصْ فِی التَّدْرِیْس, تَخَصُّصْ فِی الْعَقِیْدَۃِ وَ الْکَلَام۔
Specialised studies last for two years, after which a year is spent in تَدْرِیْب فِی الْفَتَاویٰ, تَدْرِیْب فِی الْاَسَانِیْد, assignments, research, thesis writing, and internship.
Dawat-e-Islami desires for the Islamic world to operate under an umbrella educational system, which caters for the worldly and Islamic education of students. The foundations have been laid for this and further steps will be taken to achieve this dream - اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه.
Education for mature students
اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه Dawat-e-Islami also works to provide education for mature students, which is done via Madrassat al-Madinah for adults (male and female). This is operating systematically and successfully worldwide. At the time of writing, around 421,920 students take time out of their busy lives to study the noble Quran and acquire Islamic knowledge.
Professional academic education
In terms of professional academics, Dawat-e-Islami works internationally to this end. Around 45,000 students are currently studying across Dar al-Madinah Islamic School, Faizan Islamic School, Faizan Weekend Education, Dar al-Madinah College, Dar al-Madinah University, primary, secondary, and higher-secondary institutes.
Dar al-Madinah schools and colleges
Dar al-Madinah schools can be found in Pakistan, the UK, the US, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Its curriculum was formulated to help students become successful in as many spheres of life as possible.
To help maintain educational standards, monitoring checks are frequently conducted at Dar al-Madinah campuses. Classroom, student, teacher, and staff performances are also analysed. Teachers are also shown effective teaching techniques, allowing them to convey knowledge to students as best as possible.
Dar al-Madinah plans the academic year well in advance. Physical exercise is also conducted during assemblies to complement student physical health. Said assemblies also provide guidance and teaching, discussing a wide variety of topics. Students themselves conduct these, and they serve as ample opportunity for them to develop their capabilities.
Skills valued in contemporary times have been included in the current curriculum, in a bid to improve Dar al-Madinah’s educational services. These include digital literacy, oracy, spoken English, and other programs.
A unique facet of Dar al-Madinah is the character training it offers. The hearts and minds of students are filled with love for Allah Almighty, His Messenger صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم, the Companions رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهُم, and saints of Islam رَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـهُ. Students are taught to respect their parents and programs are conducted to help them better themselves from every possible perspective.
Dar al-Madinah College provides courses for FSC (pre-medical), ICS (pre-engineering), and FA (IT) students.
Dar al-Madinah University
In terms of graduation level qualifications, Dar al-Madinah International University offers a four-year option for BS courses in Arabic, Islamic studies, Islamic banking, and education.
اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه Soon, Dar al-Madinah schools, colleges, and universities shall expand their network and campuses across the world.