Maut ki Holnakiyan

Book Name:Maut ki Holnakiyan

Dear Islamic brothers! Indeed, the Day and Night are two vehicles in which we sit in; without any stops, these vehicles continue their journey ending at the destination of death. We are happy when the day and night has passed, even though a day or night of our life has actually decreased, bringing us closer to death! We are like a bulb, whose entire energy and light is hidden in one plastic button; a simple press of the button puts off that bulb, similarly when death arrives, our healthy body becomes so powerless that we cannot willingly move even our hands. It is fixed that one day we have to die as well, but we do not how much time is left for our death.

Perhaps today will be the last day of our life or maybe tonight will be our last night! We are not even sure whether we will be able to take another breath or not. It is quite possible that the breath we are taking right now will our last and we may not take the next breath! Perhaps during listening to this Bayan, Sayyiduna Malak-ul-Maut عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام may rip the souls out of our delicate bodies! It is commonly heard that a certain person was healthy and apparently had no illness, but suddenly he had a heart attack and died within a few minutes. Likewise, at any moment, we must leave this life, because the night we have to spend in the grave cannot be spent in the world.


دِلا! غافل نہ ہو یکدم یہ دُنیا چھوڑ جانا ہے                باغیچے چھوڑ کر خالی زمین اَندر سمانا ہے

اَطلَس و کمخواب کے بِستر پہ یُوں نازاں نہ ہو            اس تَنِ بے جان پر خاکی کفن رہ جاۓ گا

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic brothers! We must prepare for death before it arrives; we should also perform good deeds, leaving the sinful and heedless life that we are living, otherwise, besides the terror of the grave and the Judgement Day, we will face the horrors and agonies of death. Remember! When someone goes through the pangs of death and his soul is being ripped out, he undergoes the most difficult moments of his life. The blessed Quran mentions the agonies of death: