Maut ki Holnakiyan

Book Name:Maut ki Holnakiyan

وَ  جَآءَ تۡ   سَکۡرَۃُ    الۡمَوۡ تِ  بِالۡحَقِّ  ؕ   ذٰ  لِکَ  مَا کُنۡتَ   مِنۡہُ    تَحِیۡدُ    ﴿۱۹

Translation from Kanz-ul-Imaan: And the hardship of death came with the truth; this is what you were escaping from!’ (Part 26, Surah Qaaf, verse 19)


Ameer-ul-Mu`minin, Sayyiduna ‘Umar Farooq-e-A’zam رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُ said to the Sayyiduna Ka’b-ul-Ahbar رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُ: O Ka’b! Inform us about death. Sayyiduna Ka’b-ul-Ahbar رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُ said, ‘Death is a thorny branch made to enter the stomach of a man, so that each thorn becomes tangled with an artery. Then someone pulls it out with a jerk, and it takes out whatever it takes, and leaves behind whatever it leaves.’ (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 5, pp. 518)

Sayyiduna ‘Īsa عَـلٰى نَبِـيِّنَا وَعَـلَيْهِ الصَّلٰوةُ وَالسَّلَام has said: O my followers! Pray to Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ that he relaxes the agonies of death upon me, because I am so terrified due to death that I fear I might die for fear of death. (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 5, pp. 208)

Sayyiduna Imam Awzaa’i رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has said: We have heard that the deceased person feels the agony of death until the Judgement Day.

(Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 5, pp. 209)

سَکَرات میں گر رُوۓ محمد پہ نظر ہو

ہر مَوت کا جھٹکا بھی مجھے پھر تو مزا دے

(Wasail-e-Bakhshish, pp. 120)


Dear Islamic brothers! It is an extremely difficult and painful thing when the soul of a human is being ripped out during the pains of death. Therefore, in order to be safe from such difficulties one should prepare for death.

Sayyiduna Imam Qurtubi عَـلَيْهِ رَحْـمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ الۡـقَـوِی has said: Death is a great difficulty, but a greater difficulty than death is when a person becomes heedless of death, he does not remember death and stops performing (good) deeds for death. Undoubtedly, death has an advice and lesson for those who ponder over it and learn a lesson from it. (At-Tazkirah, pp. 8)