Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

small useful things are also present such as a pen, Madani pad, scale, paper weight etc. Now just think for a while if we have to pick all these things up together and for this we only use our two hands, so surely it will be very difficult. Not only will it be difficult but it may become the cause of harm as anything may fall and break. Undoubtedly, being sensible you will choose the big thing which may carry all these things together. You may arrange a shopping bag or a tray. Placing all these things on the tray you may take it. Suppose if all the things cannot be placed on the tray, then you may think about bigger than this tray. Finally you may manage something through which you will be able to pick up many things safely together.

The same is the case with different activities and the responsibilities of different departments. If you do not manage all the departments or all the responsibilities, you will not have any strong system. If you try to do it in one attempt without any proper method, so you may face great troubles; you may suffer loss like some things may break and may waste after falling.

Second reason is to disperse all the matters: It is a true fact that if new things are not placed well and are scattered, so at first glance they look like junk (old broken things). The one who sees it facing difficulties in guessing forthwith if all these things are absolutely new. On the contrary, if there are many old things, properly kept on their right places, so those old things also look new. Even sometimes one who sees them is impelled to ask if these things are new. Though the things are old since they are placed well, hence look beautiful. You must have estimated it in a proper way when all the things are properly kept on our table, we also feel that today dusting has been done properly. Whereas if the same things are not kept properly, then despite the dusting we feel if dusting has not been done today.

In short, the way keeping different things at the right places properly brings beauty and newness to them, in the same way if different acts are performed in an organized manner, it will lead to a good completion. Organize your all affairs or all departments and their affairs; perform