Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

Madani donations

110.                        All the Islamic sisters should collect lots of donations for Dawat-e-Islami.

111.                        City Majlis Finance should give the receipts of Madani donations to Area Mushawarat Nigrans for Islamic sisters in the beginning of Rajab-ul-Murajjab and they, through their Mahrimah, should send them to the concerned Islamic sisters forthwith.

112.                        Islamic sisters, who collect Madani donations, and deposit them to Area Mushawarat Nigran through their Mahram are allowed now (1) to deposit through their Mahram to the Bastah of Majlis Finance that is arranged in weekly Ijtima’. (2) To deposit through Mahram to the Finance Zimmahdar of City Level or (3) the member of Kabinah of Majlis Madani Work for Islamic Sisters and the Islamic brothers of its Mushawarat (in all these three cases receipts should be sent to your Zimmahdar Islamic sister after depositing Madani donations).


113.                        Nigran Majlis Madani Work for Islamic Sisters, member of Shura Abu Majid Haji Muhammad Shahid Attari should email the record of all the Zimmahdaran of his Majlis to ‘Aalami Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar. Target: 7 days

114.                        Member of Shura Abu Majid Haji Muhammad Shahid Attari should get Pakistan’s organizational boundaries from Pakistan Organizational Kabinah Maktab and email it to Islamic sisters. Target: 7 days

Miscellaneous Madani pearls

115.                        The Madani Work of Islamic sisters is very important for the improvement of Dawat-e-Islami’s Madani activities.

116.                        Whatever organizational Madani pearls Islamic brothers decide, Mushawarat should be made with the Islamic sisters as per the prescribed methodology for those Madani pearls that belong to the Madani work of Islamic sisters or which affect the Madani work of Islamic