Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

In this Ijtima’, Nigran-e-Shura will deliver the Sunnah-inspiring Tarbiyyati Bayan on the topic of ‘Faizan-e-Saalihaat’. The arrangement of satellite will be made by Madani Channel Relay Majlis and the rest of the managing arrangements (for example, security matters, water, tents if necessary, cleanliness, etc.) will be carried out by the members of Majlis Madani Work for Islamic Sisters (Kabinah and Kabinat Zimmahdaran); Nigran-e-Kabinah will be responsible for the arrangements etc. of this Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ held in their own Kabinah.

Responsible Islamic sisters should be given the receipts of Madani donations by Majlis Finance.

Have the Madani pearls of departments, progress forms etc., so that those who do not have these things could get them from there.

The Bastah of Maktaba-tul-Madinah with Faizan-e-Ramadan in reasonable numbers should be arranged.


124. ‘Aalami Majlis Mushawarat should train Islamic sisters so that they can get the problems of Zayli level solved through their Mahram etc. from the Nigran Islamic brothers of Zayli Mushawarat. Likewise, area-wise, divisions, Kabinah, Kabinat etc. should get the problems solved from the Nigrans of their own levels. This kind of setup should be made in overseas country as well.

Establishment of countries Mushawarat

125. The members of Aalami Majlis Mushawarat having the responsibility of countries should make Mushawarat on their countries level which should have the following Islamic sisters: (1) Madani In’amaat Zimmahdar       (2) Area-visit Zimmahdar (3) Majlis Contact Zimmahdar. Majlis Overseas will decide whether these Islamic sisters should be taken from Pakistan or from their own countries. This responsibility has been given to member of Shura Abu Shabaan Haji Muhammad Bilal Attari.