Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - April 2015

righteousness and after Salat-ul-Maghrib get him to attend the Bayan and then arrange his dinner with the devotees of Rasool of the Madani Qafilah. Meal should be one dish (one kind of food) such as one day Pulao, one day Qaurmah and one day Dal Rice should be arranged.

All the responsible Islamic brothers should travel with Madani Qafilahs at all costs.

Whenever you learn about the arrival of any Madani Qafilah in your city/area, so go to them and spend 1 hour or if not then at least 30 minutes with them.

Responsible Islamic brothers of departments should make their schedule like this that they should travel with the Islamic brothers of different cities, in particular, with the Islamic brothers of their own departments for 3 days and arrange a Madani Mashwarah on the last day after ‘Isha.

If anyone succeeds in persuading at least one Islamic brother to travel with Madani Qafilah, so in my opinion it is more important than to persuade one thousand brothers to attend the weekly Ijtima’, because Madani Qafilahs offer more opportunities for reformation.


128. I’tikaf has a large number of Madani activities.

Would that every member of Shura could observe I’tikaf of the whole Ramadan!

Members of Shura should hold Mashwarah about the I’tikaf of the whole month of Ramadan of Nigran-e-Kabinat.

All the Zimmahdaran are requested to give me the month of Ramadan.

Senior and junior responsible Islamic brothers should give importance to I’tikaf.

The Zimmahdaran who due to making efforts in Madani activities and collecting Madani donations are unable to observe I’tikaf, so they should also give time to I’tikaf and should go outside the Masjid only for Madani activities; they should not go to their homes the whole Ramadan, if there is nothing contrary to Shari’ah.