Yazeed ka bura kirdar

Book Name:Yazeed ka bura kirdar

of becoming pious as well as avoiding sins are removed by virtue of acting upon the Madani In’amaat.

Blessing of the Madani In’amaat booklet

An Islamic brother of New Karachi has stated: The Masjid Imam of my area who is associated with Dawat-e-Islami, made individual efforts upon my brother and gifted him with a Madani In’amaat booklet. My brother brought this booklet home and was amazed to read it, since this brief booklet contains an excellent formula for a Muslim to live his life. Through the blessings of receiving a Madani In’amaat booklet, اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ, he drew inspiration to perform Salah and went to the Masjid to offer Salah with Jama’at. Now, he regularly offers all five Salahs, he has grown a beard and he fills in the Madani In’amaat booklet.

Fourth sin of Yazeed – Abandoning Salah

Dear Islamic brothers! One of the evil deeds which the accursed Yazeed was committing was that he never offered Salah and if he ever offered Salah, then he would offer Salah as Qada, though to offer Salah as Qada is also a sin. Furthermore, if someone does not offer it, then this is a bigger sin. Currently, this sin is also widespread.

Firstly, the majority of Muslims are heedless of performing Salah and are inclined to violating the rights of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, and for the rest of the Muslims who do perform their Salah, no one knows how many of them perform their Salah with sincerity or with no true sincerity? No one knows how many Muslims take care of Khushu’ and Khudu’ (fear and humility whilst in Salah) and how many Muslims think about their friends, business, houses, etc., in their Salah instead of Khushu’ and Khudu’? No one knows how many Muslims take care of the Sunan, Waajibaat and other factors of Salah and how many Muslims focus on their necessities, desires and plans during Salah?

Remember, among the rights of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ Salah has a great importance which can be understood from this that the first question among the rights of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ to be asked on the Day of Judgement, will be about Salah. It is