Miswak Karna Sunnat Hay

Book Name:Miswak Karna Sunnat Hay

its virtues and blessings. Would that we could be blessed with the enthusiasm to practice this great Sunnah!

Hereafter benefits of Miswak

Now let’s listen to the Hereafter and worldly benefits of Miswak briefly:

Miswak is a means of attaining the pleasure of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ.

Angels get pleased with the one who uses Miswak.

One who uses Miswak acts upon a Sunnah.

Miswak increases the Sawab [reward] of Salah.

Using Miswak removes satanic thoughts.

Miswak will serve as a companion in the grave of the Miswak-using person.

The grave of the Miswak-using person is extended. At the time of his death, Miswak reminds him of Kalimah.

The soul of the fortunate Miswak-using person leaves his body easily during death throes [i.e. severity of death].

Angels shake hands with the fortunate person who uses Miswak.

Using Miswak makes the heart pure.

The ‘Arsh-holding angels pray for the forgiveness of the Miswak-using person.

If a person goes to Salah after making Wudu with Miswak, angels follow him.

Satan gets away and displeased because of Miswak.

The one who uses Miswak regularly will cross Siraat bridge with the speed of lightning.

The Miswak- using person is blessed with courage and strength to obey Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ.

The doors of Paradise are opened for the one who uses Miswak. The doors of the Hell are closed for him.