Miswak Karna Sunnat Hay

Book Name:Miswak Karna Sunnat Hay

Miswak stops [removes] molar pain.

Miswak makes teeth shining.

Miswak is a means of one’s number of children being increased.

Scientific benefits of Miswak

Miswak kills germs. It removes bad smell from the mouth. Sometimes, bits of food get stuck in between the teeth which do not get removed only by rinsing the mouth and which cause foul smell in the mouth and illnesses. The Miswak-using person remains safe from many illnesses. New research has revealed that there are some germs which are not removed by toothbrush and tooth paste. They can be removed only by Miswak.

Medical science has proved that Miswak strengthens the brain and maintains its proper functioning. Using Miswak also enhances one’s intellect and maintains its proper functioning for a long time. If a Miswak is not used to clean the teeth, the teeth will get unclean, causing pus to develop in molars and in gums which may become the cause of brain diseases. Psychological disorders are also caused by it.

Smelly teeth make gums also smelly. Pus develops in the gums, affecting the throat and causing cough, flue, cold, fever, etc. One’s life is badly affected if teeth are not cleaned with Miswak. Health is wealth. If a person is not healthy, what enjoyment is there for him in life? Hence we cannot do without Miswak. Some people suffer from the infection of tonsils; such patients can recover from it by using Miswak daily. There are some patients who suffer from the pain, pus and swelling of the ear. They do not get rid of this illness even after receiving very expensive treatment. When such patients are properly diagnosed, it becomes clear that they have pus in their gums and the whole mouth becomes smelly. When they receive treatment for gums and brush their teeth daily with a fresh Miswak, they also recover from ear infections.

Similarly, not cleaning the teeth plays a significant part in diseases related to the eye and eyesight. There are several patients suffering from weak eyesight. Besides other causes, the biggest cause of weak eyesight is carelessness in cleaning the teeth. Medical experts have proved by means of experiments that almost 80 per cent of diseases are caused by problems in the stomach