Buzurgon Ka Khauf-e-Jahannam Ma Fazail-e-Shab-e-Qadr

Book Name:Buzurgon Ka Khauf-e-Jahannam Ma Fazail-e-Shab-e-Qadr

بِرَحۡمَتِكَ يَا اَرۡحَمَ الرَّاحِـمِيۡنَ ﴿﴾

Have mercy upon us for the sake of Your mercy, O Allah, the Most Merciful.


Dear Islamic brothers! Have you seen how our pious predecessors رَحِمَهُمُ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَالٰی used to tremble with fear despite being pious, abstinent and obedient to Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ that even some of them, overwhelmed by fear of Hell, would sob to the extent that their soul would depart their bodies. If we too, along with worshipping in the blessed month of Ramadan and in the sacred nights of Ramadan specially on the 27th of Ramadan, spend our whole lives in worshipping and obedience to Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, then on the Day of Judgement, in the court of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, we could become successful in preventing ourselves from the torment of Hell. But alas! There are some people amongst us who could not make efforts to obtain salvation and failed to carry out virtues in the blessed month; thus wasted the whole blessed month in negligence, hanging in markets and using social media. Neither could they offer Salah, nor did they have privilege to recite the Glorious Quran, nor did they offer Taraweeh Salah, nor did they take part in night vigil [virtues] and nor did they have privilege to feel ashamed of their wrongdoings.

The first blessed ‘Asharah of Ramadan full of blessings, came and passed, thereafter the second blessed ‘Asharah of Ramadan with the glad tidings of forgiveness came and departed from us, after that the third blessed ‘Asharah of Ramadan ‘freedom from Hell’ came and it is also moving towards its end. Now this blessed month is a guest of a few days and is about to depart from us. Ponder over it if we could not succeed in seeking refuge from Hell fire by carrying out virtuous acts in this blessed month and in the sacred nights and then after our death there would be an announcement of Hell for us then how our infirm and delicate body will endure the horrible torment of Hell? Remember! The horrors, terrors and the torments of Hell send a hair-raising shudder in the bodies as soon as one hears about them.

Remember! The hellfire was kindled for one thousand years until it reddened, then it was kindled for one thousand years until it whitened, then it was