Parosi Kay Huquq

Book Name:Parosi Kay Huquq

matters. After spending many years in one street or neighbourhood, we are so heedless of the recognition, presence and the right of our neighbour that if someone comes to meet his relative and asks us about his relative who lives in the same street or neighbourhood, we do not know about him because we do not know at all who lives in our neighbourhood, what his name is and what he does. We have become so heedless that if there is a death in the neighbourhood, or someone is ill or our neighbour faces some troubles, we do not go to condole and enquire after his health or console him.

Of course! If we have to get our work done by wealthy people, employers, officers, ministers, people having good posts, specific friends, relatives or neighbours we go to them on the occasions of joy and sorrow both or we invite them to our functions or parties, but unfortunately we do not invite our poor neighbours and nor do we establish ties with them. We think that these things are against our reputation. Some unwise people are so insensitive that they do not ask about their brothers and sisters living in the same house who are hungry and thirsty, suffering from disease or any tension even they do not ask their parents. So just imagine how can such a person take care of his neighbours and fulfil their rights? The importance of the rights of neighbours can be judged by the fact that many pious predecessors not only fulfilled the rights of neighbours themselves, but they also persuaded other people to do so.

Common rights of neighbours

Talking about the rights of neighbours Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has said:

One should lead in saying Salam to his neighbours.

Should not have long conversation with them.

Should not ask too many questions about his circumstances.

Should inquire after their health when they are ill.

Should console them when they are in difficulty.

Should help them in their difficult times.