Parosi Kay Huquq

Book Name:Parosi Kay Huquq

Generosity of Haatim Taa`ee

Sayyiduna Milhaan Taa`ee رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has narrated: Talking about the event of the generosity of Haatim Taa`ee his wife said: Once famine struck the whole country. Land did not produce anything green and nor did rain fall throughout the year. Camels would roam in search of water the whole day, but would not get a single drop of water. Every living being was hungry and thirsty. One night, it was very cold and we did not have a single morsel to eat. Our children ‘Abdullah, ‘Adee and (one daughter) Siffaanah were very hungry. Ultimately, feeling tired, two children fell asleep. We put them on a mat and started diverting the third one’s attention and he also fell asleep. Haatim Taa`ee said: I don’t know why I am unable to sleep today. He then started walking to and fro. Suddenly, he heard the footfalls of someone outside. In a loud voice Haatim Taa`ee said: Who is it? But no one replied. I went outside, saw the situation and then came back and told Haatim Taa`ee: Outside is so and so neighbour of yours; she didn’t find anyone but you in this hard time to seek refuge. She has come to you with her starving children. They are weeping and crying with hunger as the babies of animals do. Having heard this, Haatim Taa`ee said: Hurry up, bring her to me. I said: Our own children are starving. We have nothing to give them so how can we help the poor female neighbour and her children? Haatim Taa`ee said: Keep quiet. Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ will definitely fill the stomach of you and all of them. Hurry up! Go and bring in the sad mother immediately. I brought her in.

The poor woman was carrying two children in her lap and four were clung to her and following her. Haatim Taa`ee asked them to sit in the room and set the fire after slaughtering his nice animal. When the flames started leaping he took a knife and started skinning the animal; passing the knife to the woman he said: Eat! And also feed your children and then told me: You also eat and wakeup our children up so that they can also satisfy their hunger. Our female neighbour was eating meat bit by bit. Sensing her hesitation, Haatim Taa`ee said: How awful is it that being our guest you are eating bit by bit! Having said this, he started walking to and fro near us. We all were busy eating and Haatim Taa`ee was looking towards us. We were satiated but Haatim Taa`ee did not eat a single piece of meat, though he was hungrier