Bahan Bhaiyon Ke Sath Husne Sulook

Book Name:Bahan Bhaiyon Ke Sath Husne Sulook

Give Tarbiyat in childhood

Dear Islamic brothers! Parents should give their children good upbringing. They should give them the mindset of having love for each other, protecting life, possession of each other and having respect for each other from their childhood, but unfortunately there are a large number of parents who keep waiting by thinking: Now our children are very young and hence let them do what they want. When they grow up a bit, we will give them moral Tarbiyat. Keeping in mind the incident such parents should pay full attention to the upbringing of their children because the early years of the children’s life play a role of foundation for the rest of the life as a strong building can be built on strong foundations. Whatever a child learns in his childhood remains throughout his life firmly in his mind because the mind of a child is like wax which can be fit into any mould. The memory of a child is like a blank Takhti (clay tablet) on which whatever is written will be safe for his entire life. The mind of a child is like an empty field in which whatever seed is sown, the crop of the same quality will be obtained. That’s why if children are taught the lesson of affection from their childhood, so affection for everyone will be developed in their hearts. If children are taught to take the lead in saying Salam right from their childhood, they do not give up this habit throughout their life. If their habit of speaking the truth is formed, they feel disgusted with lies throughout their life. If they are made habitual of eating, drinking, sitting, wearing shoes, wearing dresses, tying Imama on their heads and combing hair etc., as per Sunnah, so not only do they themselves continue to adopt these pure habits, but these Madani attributes also start transferring to other children who have their company.

صَلُّوۡ اعَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                   صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Madani Halqah after Fajr Salah—one of the 12 Madani activities:

Dear Islamic brothers! If we and our children want to become the ones who treat their siblings, relatives, neighbours and friends kindly, we should from today associate ourselves with the pure Madani environment of Dawat-e-