Bahan Bhaiyon Ke Sath Husne Sulook

Book Name:Bahan Bhaiyon Ke Sath Husne Sulook

٭ As required, two or three people should step in the grave and it is better if they are strong and pious. The deceased woman should be lowered into the grave by the Maharim i.e. those people with whom her Nikah was Haraam forever, like brother, son, father, etc. If they are not present, then other relatives should lower her into the grave and if they are also not present, then the pious people should be asked to perform this task.

 (‘Aalamgeeri, vol.  1, pp. 166)

٭ Keep the deceased woman covered with any cloth from the time of lowering her into the grave till the slabs are placed.

٭ Recite the following Du’a while lowering the deceased into the grave:

بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ وَبِاللّٰہِ وَعَلٰی مِلَّۃِ  رَسُوْلِ اللّٰہ   (Tanweer-ul-Absar, vol. 3, pp. 166)

٭ Lay the deceased on his right side and turn his face towards the Qiblah, untie the knots of the shroud as they are no longer required, and there is no harm even if they are left tied. (‘Aalamgeeri, vol. 1, pp. 166)

٭ The person who unties the knots of the shroud should recite the following Du’a:

اَللّٰہُمَّ لَا تَحْرِمْنَا اَجْرَہٗ وَلَا تَفْتِنَّا بَعْدَہٗ

Translation: O Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ! Do not deprive us of its reward and do not put us to trial after him. (Haashiyah Tahtaawi ‘ala Maraqil Falah, pp. 609)

٭ Close the grave with unbaked bricks. If the ground is soft, it is permissible to place planks (of wood). (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 1, pp. 844)

٭ Now it is a time to throw the sand, it is Mustahab to throw sand three times with both hands from the head side [of the deceased]. First time, say مِنْهَا خَلَقْنٰكُمْ; second time, say وَ فِیْهَا نُعِیْدُكُمْ; third time, say
وَ مِنْهَا نُخْرِجُكُمْ تَارَةً اُخْرٰى. Now throw the leftover sand on the grave using a spade etc. (Jauharah, pp. 141)