Lalach Ka Anjaam

Book Name:Lalach Ka Anjaam

Would that I could also be a rich man like so-and-so, would that I could also have a splendid bungalow like so-and-so, would that I could also visit different countries and cities like so-and-so, would that I could also live a splendid life like so-and-so, would that I could also enjoy the position and ministry of so-and-so, would that I could also own properties like so-and-so, would that I could also have latest cars like so-and-so, scooters and          other facilities like so-and-so, would that I could also rise to fame like so-and-so, etc.

We should ponder! By seeing righteous people and the people who act upon Sunnahs have we ever been driven by the greed for acting upon Sunnahs and performing virtuous deeds?

By seeing the devotees of Rasool weeping out of the fear of Allah Almighty and love of Beloved Mustafa صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم have we ever wished to become like them?

By seeing those leaving for Makkah and Madinah have we ever been anxious to visit Haramayn Sharifayn?

By seeing someone offering obligatory Salahs, Tahajjud, Ishraq and Chasht, Awwabeen and Salat-ul-Taubah have we ever developed the passion for offering these Salahs?

By seeing someone reciting the Holy Quran have we ever been driven by the greed for reciting the Holy Quran?

By seeing those who memorize Quran and gain Islamic knowledge have we ever developed yearning for memorizing Quran and gaining Islamic knowledge?

By seeing those who act upon Madani In’amaat and travel with Madani Qafilahs have we ever felt a strong desire to act upon Madani In’amaat and travel with Madani Qafilahs? 

By seeing the devotees of Rasool who perform 12 Madani activities, attend Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’aat and Madani Muzakarahs have we ever been driven by the greed for performing these Madani activities?